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Every dollar counts in our mission to spread the libertarian ideals throughout Victoria's diverse communities. By donating even a small amount, you're championing the cause of empowering individuals, and a brighter future for all. Ethelyn's campaign is about making sure every voice, from every corner of our community, is empowered to make their own choices. Join us in creating a ripple effect – where a multitude of small contributions can create a massive wave of change.

Under the provisions of the Electoral Act 2002, for the 2023-24 financial year single donations of $1,170 or more will be subject to disclosure and the maximum that can be received from one donor over the four-year election period is $4,670. This only applies to the State Election—any funds you may have previously donated federally do not count toward this figure.

If you would like to make a larger donation than the disclosure threshold/total maximum for Victorian state campaigns, we request you donate the maximum possible for the state campaign and then head over to the Federal Campaign donation page to make an additional donation there. Federal campaign donations have a much higher disclosure threshold and no limit on the maximum amount.

Authorised by S Paton, 117/757 Bourke St, Docklands VIC 3000

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Donations by individuals to registered political parties of between $2 and $1,500 in a financial year are tax deductible.

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Terms and Conditions

You acknowledge that:

  • The Electoral Act 2002 (Vic) prohibits non-citizens from making political donations unless they are permanent residents. By attending this event and/or making any donation, you confirm and declare that you are an Australian citizen or permanent resident.
  • A receipt will be issued to you/your organisation to identify the donation amount;
  • For any donation of $1,210 or greater in the 2024-25 financial year, you understand that you/your organisation must disclose the donation on the VEC website within 21 days of the donation;
  • There is a $4,850 general cap on political donations from any one donor to the Victorian Libertarians in an election period (typically the four years between regular State elections);
  • You or your organisation may be fined if you do not comply with the disclosure requirement;
  • If you or your organisation, make a political donation that is prohibited by the Electoral Act 2002 (Vic) and the recipient accepts the donation, it must be forfeited to the State; and
  • If you knowingly make a foreign donation, an anonymous donation of $1,210 or more, or a donation above the $4,850 general cap, you or your organisation may be fined up to 300 penalty units, imprisoned for up to two years, or (as an individual) both.
  • It is an offence to enter into or carry out a scheme with the aim of circumventing a law regarding political donations or disclosures under the Electoral Act. The penalty for this offence is up to 10 years’ imprisonment.

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