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Tim Quilty

Our rates are too high, and Wodonga Council spends too much of our money.
I am a former Wodonga Councillor and former state MP. I am a qualified accountant with experience in the public and private sectors, including auditing local government. I will hit the ground running. I won’t be bluffed by council staff. I’ll go through the budget line by line, cutting waste.
I’m not afraid to say no to staff or activist groups with their hands out for our money. I will support local business and cut through council red tape that blocks development, because development brings jobs and an affordable community.
I will push for transparency and an end to secret meetings and the commercial-in-confidence deals, hidden from us. I will always listen to ratepayers, but I’ll also say no when I don’t agree with them.
My endorsement by the Libertarian Party is your guarantee that I’ll never support excessive rate increases or wasteful spending. But I’ll always fight for Wodonga ratepayers first. I’m running to cut waste and hold down rate rises below inflation. Vote for me if you want common sense and value for money from our council.
Lower Rates. Smarter Spending. Greater Transparency.

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