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Jacob Veldhuizen

Having lived in Wellington Shire my entire life, I’m deeply committed to improving prosperity and creating more opportunities for our community. As your council representative, I will be a voice of reason and restraint, ensuring ratepayers’ money is spent wisely. Council funds belong to ratepayers, not the council. I will push for transparency and community engagement, ensuring residents are fully informed and supportive of the costs behind all projects and activities. The people of Wellington Shire deserve value for money. I’m not afraid to say no to frivolous spending or cut wasteful programs. Businesses are the lifeblood of our community and provide jobs and opportunities. As a part of a local family business - I have known first-hand the difficulties and importance of small business and I will support local businesses and the need to cut unnecessary red tape. I am endorsed by the Libertarian Party; I advocate for less government interference, Lower rates and more personal choice. If elected I will work with the other elected councillors to create a Wellington Shire that current and future generations can be proud of.

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